Sunday, May 29, 2022

Trump slammed BLM and told Liz Cheney she is fired

At a rally in Casper, Wyoming, Trump rips BLM and tells Liz Cheney that she's fired. 

Trump speaking in Casper, Wyoming rally
Trump speaking in Casper, Wyoming rally

He said once again that he would never return to Twitter as he had TruthSocial to use instead.

In addition, he floated the idea of a one-day voting with paper ballots. In addition to calling for the restoration of law and order, he calls for the strengthening of borders and measures to ensure election integrity. 

He warned of the possibility of World War III and nuclear war in a grim note. 

Hageman delivering her speech to the audience
Hageman delivering her speech to the audience

Meanwhile, Harriet Hageman, a Wyoming congressional candidate, lashed out at Liz Cheney and condemned a wide range of policies from the green new deal to illegal immigration. Hageman warned Democrats that their policies could "turn the greatest country on earth into a third-world failure" and accused the Jan. 6 commission of "gaslighting" conservatives.

Earlier this week, Cheney announced she will seek re-election saying that Wyoming is an important state and winning this election is essential. In her words, "if we do not stand for truth, civil rights, and the rule of law, if we do not uphold our founding principles, the miracle of our constitutional republic will be lost." "We must prevent that from happening."


Cheney was ousted from the GOP House leadership last year because of her opposition to Trump. 

Several recent indications suggest Cheney's chances for re-election are slim. In a poll conducted by the Club for Growth, which is opposed to Cheney, Hageman "won 56 percent of the vote to Cheney's 26 percent."

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Trump calls for highly trained teachers to be permitted to carry concealed firearms at schools

At the NRA forum, Trump urged high-skilled teachers to be allowed to carry concealed firearms in school. As part of his remarks, he called for "drastically" changing the nation's approach to mental health and for "a top-to-bottom overhaul of school security across this country," while dismissing further restrictions on firearms.

He noted that "the existence of evil in this world does not justify disarming law-abiding citizens."

Law-abiding citizens should be armed for the very best reasons. Trump said schools should have a single point of entry, metal detectors and hardened classroom doors, and a police or armed guard should be on duty at all times. Another call he made was that trained teachers be allowed to carry concealed weapons in the classroom. 

Biden says gun control up to Congress: ‘I can’t dictate this stuff’
Biden addressing gun control

In the meantime, the groups are urging the Biden administration to make an emergency declaration on gun violence, name a gun violence czar, lift the filibuster if necessary, and issue an executive order on background checks for firearms purchases if lawmakers fail to pass legislation tightening loopholes.

In the wake of the Uvalde shooting, President Biden and Democratic legislators have renewed calls for stricter gun laws, but NRA board members and other attendees dismissed proposals to limit access to firearms or ban their purchase.

It is not unusual for the NRA to gather during local mourning or controversy.

 Approximately one week after the deadly shooting at Columbine High School in Colorado, the organization held a shortened version of its 1999 meeting in Denver.

Americans believe mass shootings would be less frequent if guns were harder to obtain and believe schools and other public places are less safe than they were two decades ago, according to a new poll.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Ohio has never had a US Senate nominee like JD Vance

Those who really hate the 2022 Ohio Republican Senator candidate really hate him. Like the people of 2016 — J.D. Vance – really, really hate Donald Trump.
A year ago, Vance was a best-selling author of "Hillbilly Elegy," but he was a political novice. He was able to win a 5-way Republican primary May 3 thanks to a former president he used to slam. Middletown graduates are now facing formidable Democratic opponents during the tenth term of U.S. Congressman Tim Ryan in Youngstown, but the November midterm elections look dark to the Democrats, and Vance is Ohio. Supports Trump twice as much as 8 percentage points. Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel and Fox News star Tucker Carlson. Vance's biggest challenge was shattered well over $ 10 million in negative primary ads, which most highlighted criticisms of Trump in the past, but now after winning with only 31% of the votes. Healing the scars and uniting the party. He thinks it will happen. "I think we'll find an easy and a difficult way in November," Vance recently spoke of pancakes and bacon at a Sugar and Spice restaurant near Norwood. "I think most people in Ohio are pretty open-minded. That's all I really need."

Trump and Cruz planned to address the NRA Forum after the shooting in Texas

Trump will address the National Rifle Association (NRA) annual convention in Texas on Friday, shortly after a school shooting in Texas killed 19 children and two teachers.
"America now needs true solutions and true leadership, not politicians or factions," he said. According to the event's website, the three-day tournament is an important event for US gun lobbies and is designed to showcase "the latest weapons and equipment." It will begin three days after an 18-year-old child killed 21 people in an elementary school in Texas. This shooting was the deadliest shooting in a decade at a US school and rekindled the debate over gun law.

Candidate for the Michigan State Capitol, which supports Trump, states that contraception "should not be legal."

A candidate for the Michigan State Capitol, backed by former President Donald Trump, said contraception "must not be legal", without which people are more likely to "practice chastity." Let's go.
Republican Jackie Eubanks, who praised Trump's efforts to "document fraudulent elections," made her opposition to contraception in an interview with right-wing Church Militant, Huffpost first said on Friday reported."I think we need to ask ourselves if this will be voted in the Michigan State Parliament, and if so, we must argue that it shouldn't be illegal," said Eubanks told the founder of Church Militant, Michael Voris. Eubanks, who worked for Trump`s 2020 presidential campaign and named rightwing firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as her hero, said people will be "more careful about their actions" if there is "no such thing as consequencefree sex.""I think people would actually be more likely to wait until marriage, to practice chastity, which is incredibly important," she said. "I think that the birth rate of children outside of wedlock would probably go down in that case."Eubanks says the country has an "underpopulation problem," and that could be avoided if the US was "truly a prolife culture."That is why sex ought to be between one man and one woman in the confines of marriage," she said. She then echoed Voris, saying, "And it's open to life." Abortion and gay marriage "lead to a culture of turmoil, destruction, and death," Eubanks added. Wade overturns the groundbreaking Supreme Court proceedings recognizing the constitutional rights of abortion. When that happens, decision-making power is returned to the state, some of which are ready to ban abortion.

Republican Senate primary between Mahomet Oz and Dave McCormick goes for recount

Mehmet Oz and Dave McCormick are heading for recounting, separated by a very thin margin. Deputy Secretary of State Lee Chapman, acting under state law requiring a recount of elections determined within 0.5% of the vote, addressed the election authorities on Wednesday instructing the district to begin the process. He said he would issue a formal statement.
Both Oz and McCormick, who have spent $ 25 million on advertising together with the campaign since the primary last week, have shown confidence. Recently, the campaign clashed with undated mail ballots (minor mistakes by voters) over whether those ballots would eventually need to be counted. McCormick filed a proceeding on Monday to prevent certain ballots from being excluded from the count. According to the proceedings, election officials in several counties in Pennsylvania have refused to count the number of ballots received in time for the Primary Association last week, although the envelopes do not have handwritten dates. In response, Oz's campaign said McCormick's lawyer "looked like he was following the Democratic playbook." Republican National Committee chairman Ronna McDaniel said Tuesday afternoon that the RNC would intervene in the proceedings, she tweeted, "She is committed to the integrity of the election and compliance with the election law." She said, "Pennsylvania law is clear. Ballots without dates may not be counted. Changing the rules while the votes are being counted undermines the integrity of our elections and sets a terrible precedent for future elections, "she wrote in another tweet. Chapman's office quoted last week's Federal Court of Appeals ruling, stating that undated ballots should be counted in previous elections, counting falsely dated mailed ballots without dates, and the results are Advised the county to separate it from other ballots until it became more legal. "Our position is that ballots without dates and ballots with incorrect dates are important," Chapman said Wednesday. According to Chapman, there are 860 dateless ballots from 65 of the 67 counties that reported the data to the state. State election officials also said on Wednesday that about 4,000 mail ballots and 6,000 provisional ballots have not yet been counted. They did not provide a breakdown of the party. Given that the Senate and Pennsylvania's reputation for close elections is divided into 5050, the Fall Contest will be one of the hottest races in the country. The defeat of Oz, the host of the former daytime talk show, will hit Trump who gathered behind him, even though McCormick was surrounded by Trump's minions and established himself as a front runner. Trump's mid-year confirmation will be closely tracked prior to the 2024 presidential election as a sign of his influence and maintenance of power within the Republican Party.

Trump could emerge as the winner of the mid-term election

According to a close adviser who spoke under anonymity to discuss confidential strategy for this article, Trump appears to be more active in October than in September by appearing at rallies, making robocalls and possibly conducting tele-town halls and fundraisers. It has been stated by Trump's political team that it wishes to cooperate and assist the campaign, focusing on rural areas where he has strong support. Among the states involved are those in the South and Upper Midwest.


Our team consulted several political experts and has drawn the conclusion that the scenario shown below could be an accurate representation of the Trump-Biden race in 2024.


It appears that Biden has gained a strong foothold in some states, like Pennsylvania, where we thought he would win. There is a good chance that Biden will also win Michigan. In states like Wisconsin, however, the general sentiment is that it is leaning toward the Republican Party. Arizona remains a crucial battleground in 2024 for both parties. Securing states such as Arizona and Wisconsin will be a huge win for him. For Wisconsin and Arizona, however, the odds seem to be in Trump's favor. In order to secure a successful flip in Arizona, Trump plans to return to the state on 9th October to rally with Kari Lake and Blake Masters until the upcoming midterm elections are over. 

The Republicans could pull off a stunning victory for Oregon's governorship. In comparison with other democratic states, Oregon's democrat sentiment has gradually weakened. The mid-term election will determine whether Democrats have a stronghold in the state. There is no doubt that Trump will hold a rally in that state in order to sway the voters in the Republican's direction.

Written by Malena Lopez.  Contact me at  or follow me at

Last updated on 10/12/2022.

Trump faces the biggest test since 2020 in the Georgia primary

Former President Donald Trump is facing what could be his biggest electoral defeat since 2020 as he attempts to settle old scores against fellow Republicans in Georgia. In the marquee race of the day, which includes primaries in Alabama and runoffs in Texas, Trump backed David Perdue is sputtering in his bid to unseat Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, whom the former president is determined to oust for not joining his effort to overturn the state's presidential election results two years ago. Polls leading up to Election Day indicate Kemp had a wide lead over Perdue, a former U.S. senator whose campaign stopped airing TV ads about a month ago. The gap suggests Trump's support alone maybe not enough to carry the day against a well-established incumbent whose only conservative transgression was refusing to get on board with Trump`s meritless fight over the 2020 election, which President Joe Biden won in Georgia. 

NBC News reported last week the former president had washed his hands of Perdue, privately grousing about what he believes is a lackluster campaign effort. Kemp's adviser hopes to clear the 50 percent hurdle that will allow the governor to avoid the final vote against Perdue on June 21st. The final winner in Georgia, where the polling place closes at 7 pm. ET will face Democrat Stacey Abrams in November. This is a recurring fierce battle in 2018 and is expected to be the hottest governor election in the country. Some Republicans have expressed dissatisfaction with Trump's stubborn involvement in the GOP primary. At a big show of rebellion, former Vice President Mike Pence traveled to Georgia to break up with Kemp on the eve of the contest. "I know polls look good, really good," Pence said on Monday night. "But don't slow down, don't slow down.

What lies ahead in 2024 US presidential election | Lo que nos espera en las elecciones presidenciales estadounidenses de 2024

After the midterms, there are lingering concerns about what to anticipate in 2024. In areas like Ohio, Florida, and Iowa that successfully s...